Ministry Planning and Review (MP&R) is a process that starts with the idea that employees of the church should participate in the analysis of their work in a context reflecting the mission of the church.
The Ministry Planning and Review System is designed to help members and leaders of church staffs build more satisfying and fruitful ministries. The effectiveness of the staff is often determined by how well plans are created and followed. But planning by itself is not enough! For one's ministry to be most effective, a support system is required. The MP&R System is a way to combine careful planning for ministry with a supportive review process that involves members of staff with the staff leader.
MP&R is an approach that focuses leaders, teams, and congregation together on celebrating ministry while improving performance toward ministry results. MP&R builds up the body of Christ, strengthening the congregation in important ways: Pastor and other church leaders are enabled to better steward their competencies. Team relationships are strengthened. Pastoral and Team performance planning is improved. Persons who have used MP&R report feelings of being liberated for more creative ministry.
As an outcome of MP&R training and coaching you can expect to be able to...
• Understand ministry planning and review, and its helpfulness for your ministry.
• Clarify how to align time available for ministry with the time needed for ministry
• Begin to clarify key result areas and use them for a basis of ministry planning.
• Use helpful tools and instructions for implementing the Ministry Planning & Review process.
• Plan for using MP&R in your ministry setting
This resource includes the full MP&R guide, a separate document with printable worksheets, and a resource to help you clarify Key Result Areas in your setting. These resources are immediately available as a digital download. As you prepare to implement and adapt this process to your context, 30 minutes of remote coaching time with Ray Schulte is included to help you maximize and understand the best use of this resource.
If you would like additional coaching time, bundle any of our coaching hours for an automatic 10% discount.
If you have any questions or would like to see a sample of the resource, contact Ray at